What the team at HopeWorks is thankful for this year
“Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” – Psalm 106:1
Even when it feels like things are stacked against us personally, professionally or spiritually, we are reminded by Scripture time and time again that we have so much to be thankful for. We’re in the midst of the season of thanks, and we believe that it is important to name what fills our hearts with gratitude. A few members of our team shared their feelings with us, and we hope they encourage you!
Despite the uncertainty surrounding most of the last year, I have a lot that I am thankful for. In fact, living through such a tumultuous time has given me clarity and a sense of appreciation for things I may have otherwise taken for granted. This primarily includes having good health, a loving family and job security. I also cannot speak of gratitude without mentioning how thankful I am to work for an organization like HopeWorks. I go into work every single day with a sense of mission and pride, knowing that I am helping others in my community. – Zack Dime
I’m thankful for the joy of friendship with my students and HopeWorks family. I’m thankful to be blessed and that I can hopefully be a blessing to others. I’m thankful God’s helped get me through this year! – Cheryl
I am thankful for my husband, who has constantly been there for me, my house, and technology. It has allowed us to do some amazing things during COVID, and we have been able to help people in unexpected ways. – Kimberly
I am thankful for the opportunity to plant seeds and watch the seedlings grow into beautiful blooms. The joy of watching each student grow at their own pace with differing amounts of sun, soil, fertilizer and water. – Suzanne
I am thankful for a consistent job during COVID and supportive bosses. – Hilarie
I am grateful for the camaraderie that exists among the HopeWorks staff. Preparing for work every day knowing that your coworkers have your back is life-giving. – Jeremy
I am thankful for the compassionate, understanding, hopeful and empowering atmosphere that HopeWorks fosters. The encouragement and education provided through this atmosphere creates a place for development and growth with everyone, instructor and student alike. – Amanda
I am grateful for the life that HopeWorks allows me to have. The judge said I would never amount to anything and that no one would ever give me a job after I came home from prison. HopeWorks did! Five years later, here I am. I’m so grateful. I am doing better now than I was before my incarceration. God, my family and HopeWorks have been so good to me. – Brandon
I have been deeply grateful for the flexibility to work from home – and thankful that there has been plenty of meaningful work to do. I am thankful for the technology that allows me to see faces and interact with a group of people every day! I am thankful to work with a dedicated team who love God and love people. – Laura
I am thankful to be working with others who aspire to set the standard for education, skill level, wages, working conditions and quality of life for all. – James
I am thankful for such a place as HopeWorks – and the wonderful folks that make what it is – that serves the City of Memphis by helping those who have been passed over. I am very grateful to be a part of a team that is supporting people by helping them obtain their HISET diploma. – Stoney
I am thankful to work with a dedicated team of individuals seeking to provide hope and a plan to those with greater aspirations for themselves and their families. This work is tremendous yet very rewarding, and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve. – Natalie