Building a Better Memphis
Through Adult Education


There are a lot of reasons why people don’t finish high school. No matter your reason, you can still earn your high school equivalency diploma. In the state of Tennessee, that diploma is called the HiSET, though it’s also commonly called a GED. HopeWorks can help you earn your high school equivalency degree in a few short months at sites across Memphis and the Mid-South. 

Why should you put in the time and effort to get your HiSET? It’s a source of personal pride – knowing that you completed your education can boost your self-confidence. People with a high school equivalency degree make more money and qualify for better positions than people without one. Your children, siblings, parents, friends, cousins will be proud of you for taking a step in the right direction.  


Don’t wait another minute.
Get started today!


Contact Adult Basic Education

Monday – Thursday
9am to 12pm


The Life Church Dream Center

Monday – Thursday
9am to 12pm


Holmes Road Church of Christ

Monday – Thursday
9am to 12pm


Ross Road Church of Christ

Monday – Thursday
9am to 12pm


Oikos Church

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

HopeWorks Main Campus

building a better Memphis
for over 35 years