Building a Better Memphis
One Heart at a Time


Volunteering at HopeWorks isn’t just a way to get service hours or check a box – our volunteers directly impact the lives of our students and further our mission of providing second chances. We are always looking for people who are willing to invest their time and energy in our students.


Check this list of GENERAL HOPEWORKS Volunteer Roles to learn more details.

Check this list of ADULT ENGLISH as a SECOND LANGUAGE Volunteer Roles to learn more details.

Sign up to be a volunteer today!

STEP 1: Create a volunteer account
Click here to create your account.
STEP 2: Attend volunteer training

After completing step 1, you will receive an email from our Community Engagement Coordinator to arrange a time for you to attend a volunteer training. The basic training takes 2 hours. If you are volunteering for a role focusing on our justice-involved clients, you will also be required to pass a background check and complete additional training.

STEP 3: Plug in!

You may check the volunteer portal at any time for upcoming events and volunteer opportunities, as well as receiving emails with requests.

building a better Memphis
for over 35 years