Building a Better Memphis
One Heart at a Time

Research shows that people who regularly volunteer show higher levels of happiness in their daily lives, satisfaction in life, higher self esteem, sense of control over life and better physical health.
Volunteering at HopeWorks isn’t just a way to get service hours or check a box – our volunteers directly impact the lives of our students and further our mission of providing second chances. We are always looking for people who are willing to invest their time and energy in our students.

Check this list of GENERAL HOPEWORKS Volunteer Roles to learn more details.
Faith Encouragers support and care for students as they learn new job skills, finish educational training and are challenged to live Christ-centered lives. Your job is to pray for them and cheer them on as they make difficult changes in their lives. Estimated Time Commitment: about an hour each week during the time your student is in one of our programs. We ask FEs to make a one-year commitment and you may encourage three or four students over the course of that year with breaks between classes.
Mentors are paired with a student in the Shelby County Division of Corrections during the student’s final months of incarceration. The mentor is a faith encourager, but also takes the relationship deeper, walking with that student through at least the first year of re-entry to help them navigate life during reintegration.
Estimated Time Commitment: About one hour per week. This is a one-to-three-year commitment.
Tutors work one-to-one or in small groups; Adult Basic Education or AESL.
Estimated time commitment: 1-2 hours/week at a mutually arranged time. Number of weeks varies depending on student needs and tutor availability.
Practice Interviewers help prepare HopeWorks students for job interviews.
Estimated Time Commitment: 1-4 hours on an as needed basis.
Office Assistants may help with data entry, organizing files, and other general office help. Estimated time commitment: 2-4 hours/instance at mutually agreed upon times.
Substitute Receptionists are needed to cover illness and staff meetings.
Estimated time commitment: 2-7 hours, depending on need.
Commodities and Supplies Providers bring supplies to donate and help organize recent donations of supplies that help meet the needs of our students and others in the community. Estimated Time Commitment: The second Tuesday of each month and as needed.
Estimated time commitment: 2-7 hours, depending on need.
Handy Helpers offer occasional small job repairs and maintenance tasks at any of our sites.
Estimated Time Commitment: about 2-4 hours per occurrence; time and frequency vary based on need.
Meal Providers prepare and serve or send a meal at one of our locations.
Estimated Time Commitment: about 2 hours each meal.
Frequency: Once per quarter
Special Projects and Event Support Workers help our team to organize, set-up, work, and break down community outreach events, awards ceremonies, graduations, and fundraising events. You may also help with special projects on a one-time or limited basis.
Estimated time commitment: 2-4 hours/occurrence. Time may be more or less depending on the event or project.
Worship Service Coordinators provide a group from your church to host and lead a Sunday evening service at our Summer Ave. location either one time or on a regular basis. The host group provides a meal for attendees.
Estimated Time Commitment: about 2 hours per worship gathering.
Check this list of ADULT ENGLISH as a SECOND LANGUAGE Volunteer Roles to learn more details.
Classroom Assistants support the lead teacher in a variety of in-class tasks. They may include: modeling activities with the teacher, monitoring student practice, writing instructions or examples on the board, distributing handouts, leading a small group of students in an activity, working one-on-one with a student in need of extra support, and/or preparing and tidying the classroom space.
Estimated time commitment: 4.5 hours/week. Class cycles are 9 weeks long. We ask that you commit to at least one full cycle.
Career mentors meet individually with a student who has shared work experience with you and is looking to find and maintain a job in the U.S. in your mutual field. Areas in which you may mentor a student could be: industry specific trends, networking, interviewing, and workplace culture in the U.S.
Estimated time commitment: 1-2 hours/week at a mutually arranged time. Number of weeks varies depending on student needs and mentor availability.
Community Services Navigation Partners assist individual students as they navigate social and community services, namely health, education, and assistance programs. Assistance may take the form of helping students make appointments, understand cost of service, secure transportation, etc.
Estimated time commitment: 1-2 hours/navigation. Assistance provided only as needed and time commitment may vary depending on community service being navigated.
Registration Assistants help students who may not be proficient in English complete the registration process. Estimated Time Commitment: about 4 hours per occurrence.
Did you know?
Volunteering has been documented to lower depression and reduce the likelyhood of high blood pressure by 40%.
Sign up to be a volunteer today!
STEP 1: Create a volunteer account

STEP 2: Attend volunteer training
After completing step 1, you will receive an email from our Community Engagement Coordinator to arrange a time for you to attend a volunteer training. The basic training takes 2 hours. If you are volunteering for a role focusing on our justice-involved clients, you will also be required to pass a background check and complete additional training.
STEP 3: Plug in!
You may check the volunteer portal at any time for upcoming events and volunteer opportunities, as well as receiving emails with requests.

building a better Memphis
for over 35 years