About Us
HopeWorks’ mission is to guide Memphians in need of a second chance through essential education, counseling and career development programming to establish a relationship with God while building stability, confidence and a hope-filled future.
Conceptualized in 1988, HopeWorks received its 501(c)(3) status in 1998. HopeWorks believes that investment in the individual education and well-being of its students will create Christ-centered communities with strengthened relationships, improved economies and generational impact.
Providing Hope and Jobs for 35 years
HopeWorks provides support to Memphians in three main categories:
Adult Education
& English
We help people access essential educational opportunities, including high school equivalency degrees and English language courses.
We work to eliminate restrictive barriers and aid Memphians as they pursue viable, passion-filled career opportunities.
We provide life-breathing counseling support, mentorship, technical education and career pathways to Memphians pre- and post-release from prison.
The HopeWorks Leadership Team
Ron Wade
Executive Director
Gilda Shelby
Director of Finance
Louise Koonce
Director of Development & Marketing
Stoney Ramsey
Director of Adult Education
Kathryn Jackson
Director of Human Resources and Payroll
The HopeWorks Board
Brett Curtis, Board Chair
Robert Beckett
Beverly Lattimore
Patrick Parson
Brenda Garner
Michael Maxwell
Edward Wildrick