Meet the staff – Synnamon Taylor

HopeWorks is blessed with caring staff who are committed to our students and helping them succeed. One of those employees is Synnamon Taylor, associate director of Adult Basic Education. Synnamon is passionate about seeing HopeWorks’ students thrive and working with them to achieve their goals. Keep reading to learn more about Synnamon and her role at HopeWorks.

When did you start working at HopeWorks?

I’ve been at HopeWorks for five years.

What is your favorite thing about working at HopeWorks?

My favorite part about working at HopeWorks is the students. Our students sometimes come to us defeated and undetermined – to see them build confidence by spending time with our staff is rewarding. Seeing students earn their HiSETs brings me the greatest joy because they start to see themselves and their lives differently as they progress through the program. Watching them begin to believe in themselves seems to birth a new person from within. When they walk across the stage at graduation, they are beaming with pride – and so am I!

Can you share a story related to your job?

When I was an instructor, I had three students who were not confident in their math skills. I wasn’t well-versed in math either, but I promised to help them cross the finish line and earn their diploma. They weren’t too confident in me, but we went forward. I sought some tutoring for myself to better assist them. Even though we struggled for a while, we soon got the hang of the concepts (well…some of them). Later, I coordinated the graduation ceremony for the Adult Basic Education program – all three students passed the HiSET and participated in that graduation. I was elated, and they were too! One of them said to me, “We made it!” I knew she meant both of us because we learned those concepts together.

What does “hope works” mean to you?

To me, “hope works” means helping people realize how hope in Jesus Christ can turn their lives around for the better. When a person comes to know the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, they will find that hope in Him gives them confidence in God’s promises for their lives and that hope works!

For someone unfamiliar with HopeWorks, what’s one thing you’d like them to know?

Our staff is dedicated to client and student success in all areas of their lives. We want them to be successful, whole and hopeful.

Is there a fun fact about yourself you’d like to share?

A fun fact about me is that I can do nails! Manicures, pedicures, dip, gel, extensions, etc.